About La Fée Berde – a Music Blog

Welcome to my music blog! I’ve maintained La Fée Berde in some form since 2010 on Tumblr. The title is derived from the beverage absinthe — a drink that fascinated me when I first created the site due to its wonderful green color and affiliation with bohemian culture. Absinthe was sometimes referred as la fée verte, the green fairy. La fée berde subsituites the “verte” with “berde”, the Basque word for green.

This blog was and remains a medium I use to unleash my artistic sensibilities. It is a passion project I also use learn about new technologies in web development. I hope you, dear reader, find some value in the posts and enjoy listening to the music contained within!


  • Volume is shared among players
  • When a play is clicked, the other players pause